Common Feathers
Category: Feathers
Feathers - Soulbound
Allows Common feathers to be added to your Kiamara.
"Your Kiamara has beaten the feather trial to find their first set of feathers!"
- Obtainable from the quests found in the Newcomers Hut
Fallen Leaf
Category: Feathers
Feathers - Consumable - Soulbound
Grants a Kiamara the Shaped Feather trait (Must be in the shape of a leaf). Must be the colour Red/Orange/Yellow/Brown.
"Looks like your Kiamara has been jumping around in leaf piles"
- Obtainable from Hearthfire Quests
Legendary Feathers
Category: Feathers
Feathers - Soulbound
Grants your Kiamaras' feathers a Legendary trait.
"Your Kiamara has beaten the feather trial to find some feathers!"
- Obtainable from the quests found in the Newcomers Hut
Mythic Feathers
Category: Feathers
Feathers - Soulbound
Grants your Kiamara a feather of Mythic rarity.
"Your Kiamara has beaten the feather trial to find some feathers!"
- Obtainable from the quests found in the Newcomers Hut
Rare Feathers
Category: Feathers
Feathers - Soulbound
Grants your Kiamaras' feathers a rare trait.
"Your Kiamara has beaten the feather trial to find some feathers!"
- Obtainable from the quests found in the Newcomers Hut
Uncommon Feathers
Category: Feathers
Feathers - Soulbound
Grants your Kiamara's feathers an Uncommon trait.
"Your Kiamara has beaten the feather trial to find some feathers!"
- Obtainable from the quests found in the Newcomers Hut
Very Rare Feathers
Category: Feathers
Feathers - Soulbound
Grants your Kiamaras' feathers a Very Rare trait.
"Your Kiamara has beaten the feather trial to find some feathers!"
- Obtainable from the quests found in the Newcomers Hut
Wax-Coated Common Feather
Category: Feathers
Allows Common feathers to be added to your Kiamara.
Can only be applied to level 2 Kiamaras
"After applying the strange wax to the feather you obtained, it seems it can be handled without turning to phoenix dust!"
- Obtainable from Crafting
Wax-Coated Legendary Feather
Category: Feathers
Allows Legendary feathers to be added to your Kiamara.
Only allows x1 Legendary feather trait.
Can only be applied to level 2 Kiamaras
"After applying the strange wax to the feather you obtained, it seems it can be handled without turning to phoenix dust!"
- Obtainable from Crafting
Wax-Coated Rare Feather
Category: Feathers
Allows Rare feathers to be added to your Kiamara.
Only allows x1 Rare feather trait.
Can only be applied to level 2 Kiamaras
"After applying the strange wax to the feather you obtained, it seems it can be handled without turning to phoenix dust!"
- Obtainable from Crafting
Wax-Coated Uncommon Feather
Category: Feathers
Allows Uncommon feathers to be added to your Kiamara.
Only allows x1 Uncommon feather trait.
Can only be applied to level 2 Kiamaras
"After applying the strange wax to the feather you obtained, it seems it can be handled without turning to phoenix dust!"
- Obtainable from Crafting
Wax-Coated Very Rare Feather
Category: Feathers
Allows Very Rare feathers to be added to your Kiamara.
Only allows x1 Very Rare feather trait.
Can only be applied to level 2 Kiamaras
"After applying the strange wax to the feather you obtained, it seems it can be handled without turning to phoenix dust!"
- Obtainable from Crafting