Site News

Estertide Has Finished!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by Rexos-Isle

Estertide has now finished!

Thank you to everyone who has taken part in Estertide this year! We hope you have all enjoyed the event and have lots of new and exciting items to aid you on your journey into Solaria. 

The Estertide Stall will remain open for +3 days after the final prompt has been rolled to allow for those final Egg Tokens to be spent! We will also be keeping up any hidden eggs that are placed around the site for +2 days after the final prompt has been rolled to allow for those who still have them to find some additional time to gain some extra Esteregg Boxes! After this date, they will disappear from the site! 

We will also be rolling any raffles at this time as well, so be sure you purchase all the tickets you need and open them before this date! We will remind you all 1 hour before the raffles close to open your tickets and 1 hour before the shop closes on Discord!

There is a Green Foil Egg item added to the shop for the chance to exchange any additional egg tokens into credits, or to obtain your own personal Green Foil Egg horde! The choice is yours! Thank you all once again for making this Estertide one to remember!

Keep an eye out for future feedback forms to give us your thoughts on the event and what we could do to make it better next year.

Solarian Insider - October 3rd Edition

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Rexos-Isle

Solarian Insider - October 3rd Edition

Greetings Solarians!

Well, well! Don't we have some news for you all! Quickly quickly, no time to wait!

Hearthfire is here!

This year there are no pirates, no big bad to hunt, and hopefully no giant Gus as he is hosting the Hearthfire Stall! Welcome to Hearthfire as it should be with all things spooky and spectacular awaiting you to join in! 

This year, Serah is taking the reigns at setting up a Dress-Up competition that will open on the 16th of October and, until then, G'ma is looking for some helpers to help make some treats for the trick-or-treaters and decorations to put up all around Solaria! She even has some cool rewards for you, so go check them out in the Events Hub!

Oh, and you can obtain a free daily Trick-or-Treat bag from the Hearthfire Stall!

Serah's Sketches - October edition is live!

Serah's Sketches for October is now live in the Community Hall with a rather unique reward this month specifically for Hearthfire! You'll be able to re-use your Serah's Sketches entry for this month in the Dress-Up Competition later on, which has some really cool prizes (And even individual rewards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place! How do I know? Well, I've got to keep some of my insider secrets!) 

Go check it out now for this month's rewards! 
Previous achievements will be handed out over the next few days - it appears a bunch of Vullabies had found them to be very sparkly and wanted to keep them. Luckily an adventurer found them and has kindly returned most of them, though it may take some time to hand them out!

Speaking of Serah's Sketches; September's Serah's Super Star reward has been rolled! Congratulations to...

Raffle Winners!

We have had a lot of Raffle Winners this month, from all the staff adopt raffles and the Very Rare Stone raffle from the MYO Event! 
We are happy to announce the winners! 

Congratulations to all the winners! Your rewards should already be in your inventories/under your ownership! 


That's all, folks!
Join me in the next edition of the Solarian Insider!

As always, any questions can be posted in response to this article, over on our Discord, or anonymous box!

Solarian Insider - August 28th Edition

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Rexos-Isle

Solarian Insider - August 18th Edition

Greetings Solarians!

Well, well! We have some news that is sure to rock your Monday! Sit back with a cuppa and enjoy the news from this week!

Erisichthon has been defeated!

Our reporters have just returned from the Cerulean Forest with the news that Erisichthon, the great Serpent that has caused chaos for the past few weeks, has been defeated by a group of brave 'Mara and Droma! The tale as to what went on is quite peculiar, but luckily we have a report from Elijah that hopes to help spread some light on the situation: 

"This summer, we had been keeping an eye on an energy reading from within the forest that was growing with every passing day. This was of great concern to us as we hadn't picked up anything quite like it before, even with the other rifts popping up around the place seemingly at random they always were static, not growing. It turns out that the reason why this particular rift was growing was due to a youngling; a Droma who had been travelling back and forth to the Cerulean Forest and would often read stories, especially those from the book: Tales from the Coalescence. Because of this, we saw the likes of the Lampyre King, various Lampyres with the ability to speak, Gus being able to talk, and finally the beast Erisichthon. 

"Whatever anomaly that caused this particular rift fed off of these stories and brought them to life. However it never got to hear the ending of the story from the youngling, and that led to the chaos of the past few weeks. Thanks to the efforts of the brave people who took part in the large fight to get the beast exhausted enough, we were able to get to the rift it was guarding without much of a fight. Leonidas managed to throw the book through the rift, causing the corruption that appeared on the beast to dissipate. It seems that the rift just needed to hear the end of the story to be satisfied. 

"Just like in the Tales from the Coalescence, once the beast had been given enough Grunnling Eggs, it eventually went into a deep slumber and blessed the Cerulean Forest with a bountiful year of growth. Luckily for us, the weapons wore out the beast enough to send it into the same slumber. Now that the story has finished, it seems that the Lampyre King, the Banquet-goers, and even Gus' found voice are slowly disappearing once more. The tales the young Droma had unknowingly told the rift have come to an end, and so the rift has begun to close. We aren't sure if this is the last time we will see this rift open, however, we will be ensuring to keep a very close eye on it."

So, a rift that can make stories a reality that doesn't like cliffhangers? I don't blame it! They always leave you wondering what will come next! Thank you for helping us out during this strange and fantastical event! 

Remember to check out the Manahunters Supply Shack before they close shop to obtain two new items before they close on the 1st of September!

897-image.png 873-image.png


Raffle Winners!

We have had a lot of Raffle Winners this month! Join us in congratulating the following: 

  • Our Mythic Grunnling Egg Raffle from taking part in 'Attacking By Numbers' goes to: 
  • And, our Mythic Grunnling Egg Raffle from taking part in 'A Worrying situation' goes to:

Congratulations to all the winners! Your rewards will be handed out to you tomorrow!

New Birthday Box in the General Store!

Today is our lovely archivist Gingy-the-redpanda's birthday! Join us in celebrating their birthday by heading over to the General Store to obtain your free Garden Bunny Day Box! It's only available for 24 hours to grab it whilst you can!


Serah's Sketches August Quest!

There's a quick 3-day quest over in the Community Hall where all you have to do is submit items for rewards! It is as easy as that; quickly, go over to the Community Hall before you miss it! 

That's all, folks!
Join me in the next edition of the Solarian Insider!

As always, any questions can be posted in response to this article, over on our Discord, or anonymous box!

Solarian Insider - August 18th Edition

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Rexos-Isle

Solarian Insider - August 18th Edition

Greetings Solarians!

It's been a little longer than expected for this news article to be pushed out due to a variety of issues at the printing press! But we have some updates to some of the events going on around Solaria as-well-as some important news about some new and exciting changes!

Kiamaras 11th Birthday MYO EVent

THATS RIGHT! The Kiamaras 11th Birthday MYO Event is now live! Something that has been in the works for a little while, but with added rewards this year! I won't spoil all the information here, but go check out the event page either in the Events Hub or from here! 

New Update information

We wanted to be clearer with you guys on what we are working on in between the bigger things such as quests and events; so, we have put together a little pastebin with all the upcoming changes we are looking to implement!

You can read all about it here! 


That's all, folks!
Join me in the next edition of the Solarian Insider!

As always, any questions can be posted in response to this article, over on our Discord, or anonymous box!

Solarian Insider - April 15th

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Rexos-Isle

Solarian Insider - April 15th Edition

Greetings Solarians!

It's been a little longer than expected for this news article to be pushed out due to a variety of issues at the printing press! But we have some updates to some of the events going on around Solaria as-well-as some important news about specific items out and about.

April Feedback Form is live - get rewards!

The April Feedback form is now live, along with rewards during the first week of the form being live! That's right, until the 22nd of April, if you fill out the following feedback form and supply your username, we will be giving you 25 Credits and 10 Egg Tokens! 

It takes roughly 20 minutes to fill out, and can be found here: 
Click here to be taken to the feedback form!

Estertide in full swing; New items at the Estertide Stall!

Whilst we are far behind on updates due to the printing press being out-of-action these past two weeks, we are happy to mention a tonne of new Estereggs being found all around the place! Because of this, however, we have been noticing a few... odd occurrences. Apparently, according to some eyewitness accounts, some of these Estereggs have been found flying through rifts that apparently contain something inside! We are unsure how many there are out there, but with more and more popping up... well, maybe you should have a look?
 Go to the Estertide Event Page for more information on how you can find one of these Estereggs!

Depending on how quickly these eggs get found, there will be more added to the event ^^

We also have new items added to the Estertide Stall:

  • Kiamara Ka-3655 Raffle Ticket added! 
    • Cost:
    • Users can have multiple tickets.
    • Soulbound.
    • This item grants the user a raffle ticket for the Kiamara Ka-3655, made by the amazing Free-Shade

  • Kiamara Ka-3656 Raffle Ticket added!
    • Cost: 
    • Max 1 per user
    • Soulbound
    • This item grants the user a raffle ticket for the Kiamara Ka-3656, made by the amazing FireOmens

  • Oozing Egg Truffle Added
    • Cost: 65
    • Max 1 per user
    • Stock: 3
  • Perfectly Cooked Hot Cross Bun 
    • Cost: 15
    • Max 2 per user
    • Stock: 20

  • Caspian Mask Added 
    • Cost: 150
    • Max 1 per user
    • Soulbound
    • Stock: 2

  • Caspian Mask Raffle Ticket added!
    • Cost: 3
    • Users can have multiple tickets.
    • Soulbound
    • This item grants the user a raffle ticket for the chance of a Caspian Mask! Two winners will be rolled for this raffle.

A trash item will be added at the end of the event to help convert egg tokens to credits.

Limited Stock Items have also been re-stocked in the Estertide Stall. 
This will be the only time these items will be re-stocked:

  • Ophelia Mask:
    • 5 have been added to the store.
  • Lucky Rabbits Token:
    • 25 have been added to the store. 

IMPORTANt updates to breedings and breeding items:

Due to a noticeable increase in how rarer traits are being rolled and how breeding items are being used in conjunction with one another and any buffs a character will have, we have decided to make a few changes to breeding bonuses, breeding items, and mutato rolls.

  • Breeding  Bonuses:
    • Breeding bonuses for items, such as Truffles and the craftable Snack/Lunch/Bento Boxes, and buffs, such as powers or mateship buffs, now have a limit on how high the bonus chance on a singular trait roll can go.
    • You can continue to stack items and buffs as you can currently however it will be capped at +25 for rolls. If an item/buff combination is present that would make the roll go above +25, the item and buff will still be used/consumed in the breeding but it will go no higher than the cap. If we notice additional items being used in a breeding that will have no effect due to all traits that are passable being bonus capped, we will simply inform you and not remove them from your banks.
    • For example: 
      • If you have +20 from powers/buffs and then use a packed lunch (+8 to all breeding rolls), then it will get a trait roll up to +25 but no higher. The item will still be consumed to reach the +25 mark. 

  • Truffles are now stackable.
    • Due to the above changes to breedings, truffles are now able to be stacked on a single breeding. 
    • This change was decided due to there being a cap on how high of a breeding bonus traits can get and, since some of these items grant something as low as a +1 to breeding rolls, we have decided to allow these to be stackable. Other breeding items are not affected by these changes.
  • Mutato Rarity Rolls are changing: 
    • The Mutato item is used in breedings to guarantee a trait neither of the parents have and can be anything from common to legendary in rarity. We are changing the chances that specific rarities are able to pass from these mutatos. Here are the new chances:
      • Common: 1-55                 (Unchanged)
      • Uncommon: 56-80         (Old: 56-70)
      • Rare: 81-93                         (Old: 71-90)
      • Very Rare: 94-99             (Old: 91-97)
      • Legendary: 100                (Old: 98-100)
    • These roll chances are only for the Mutato item only. The 25% chance mutation that all breedings have that can be opted out of remain with the older chances due to the chance of rolling for the mutation being fairly low. 
    • These roll chances also do not go over to Mutato Stones, due to the ingredients being relatively harder to get for the crafting of this item. 

  • New Chaos Item to be implemented:
    • Whilst we are implementing a cap on breeding rolls, we will also be implementing a special item in the future that will remove the cap on breeding bonus', allowing for as many breeding items as you'd like to be used on that breeding. This will be very rarely seen within the game but will be an option for those who wish to have crazy breedings later down the line. 

We will monitor the effects of these changes and if we feel there is still a balancing issue we will begin to look into other solutions, such as a breeding cooldown. These changes will officially go into effect on the 18th. Any breedings requests accepted before this date will go by current rules/stats. 

Serah's Sketches - April Badge is now live:

It seems that Serah has a new task for you in the Community Hall for you to earn either a new pet! Everyone, meet Rolo, the strange Esteregg made entirely of chocolate! Expressionless in appearance and prefers the colder climate, you're sure to be shocked when he talks through an echo-y voice directed right at you telepathically!This task has been posted in the Community Hall with an end date of the 30st of April, and don't worry! This quest is quite short given the delay in the quest going live.

Just like last month, this quest is only once per account according to the poster in the Community Hall; so why not pop over there, give it a look, and see if you are up for the task?

Each Serah's Sketches quest will receive a new achievement as well on top of the reward!

Word is also in that the winner of March's Super Star Award goes to...


Community Day Update:

Whilst the community day has been pushed back due to the printing press causing delays, staff are in active discussion deciding on our top three from all the entrants! Thank you to everyone who has posted an idea to be added to Kiamaras. We will be notifying users on the 16th or 17th in terms of the top three, along with how you can vote for your favourite!

Drop Rate Increases:

A small announcement, but we felt a lot of users will be interested in this! 

  • Bubs has a 0.5% drop chance of a legendary stone, up from 0.1% 


That's all, folks!
Join me in the next edition of the Solarian Insider!

As always, any questions can be posted in response to this article, over on our Discord, or anonymous box!

Solarian Insider - 20th July Edition

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Rexos-Isle

Solarian Insider - July 20th Edition

Greetings Solarians!

Well, well, well! It seems that we have a fair few things going on in this end of the woods. No, quite literally, the situation with the Cerulean Forest has gotten a lot crazier. Also, we have a few reminders for our ongoing charity efforts as well!

a Looming Presence: New Event Quest Open

The next part of Super Summer Slam is now live, with a bit of an eerie twist! There have been rumours of a creature in the deepest, darkest, part of the forest. And now, it's turned out to be something from the same book as Sol the Lampyre King... Strange. Elijah needs your help gathering some supplies and helping others gear up ready to fight the creature that lurked deep in the woods. 

The more entries you are able to submit for this quest is important; as depending on the total amount of submissions entered for 'Gearing Up' will depend on how easy, or how hard, the final quest will be! 

Event Shop Update

The event shop has quite a few new things to offer! From new mimics and buff pets, to even some recipes, there's a lot more to buy at the Manahunters Supply Stall! Every day, you can also obtain a free weapon which is needed to successfully complete the 'Gearing Up' quest. Along with this, Leonidas also has a new pet; Finch the Strangeling! This pet will help you find weapons outside of the weapons box, with the other three strangelings from the 'Recording the Riftlings' quest having a higher drop rate!

Oh, and a new IRL recipe too by the amazing Zouppe which will grant you a buff pet!

You can check out all the new items here: 



General Store Update:

Some of the items currently in the General Store will be updated! We have decided to add these changes to help with the overall item economy of the game. The following changes will go into effect on the 1st of August:

  • Common MYO Potions will now be limited
    • We will be implementing a limit of 1-per-month for Common MYO Potions, instead of having them unlimited. 
  • Dromedairy Tablet - Grassland will now be limited
    • We will be implementing a limit of 1-per-month for Dromedairy Tablet - Grassland, instead of them only being purchasable once.

We will also be seeing an addition of more items to the General Store, especially items used for crafting, as we will be reworking how some recipes may work. These changes will be announced at least 7 days before the changes will take effect!

Staff Birthday Box - Vote:

It was recently suggested in the Discord Server that we should automatically give the 10% drop rate collectibles from staff birthday boxes to the staff member on their birthday. Since these items are a community item, where anyone on-site has the same chance to obtain them, we wanted to include you on this decision! 

Click here to take part in the vote!


Refraction - Charity Vullaby Update

There is only 24 hours left to obtain this year's Pride Charity pet; Refraction!

So far, we have raised $122! This means we are $28 away from being able to release a Very Rare Stone Raffle with up to three winners! There is already a Rare Stone raffle that can already be found in the General Store and will be open until the 21st of July! There will be three winners of a rare stone with this raffle, so be sure not to miss out!  

Already donated and got the pet but want to donate more? No problem! You can either anonymously send in the donation to help raise more money for this wonderful charity, or put another user's username in there (with permission, of course!) so they can receive the pet as well! This will be per user of course!

You can obtain Refraction by Donating at least $5 to Our Fundraiser! We are hoping to achieve $250 for The Trevor Foundation, with soft goals along the way that, if we meet it, will open free raffles for very rare, and legendary stones! 

We will be accepting donations until the 21st of July for the fundraiser! 

Charity Auctions will be releasing tomorrow at 9pm BST/4PM server time

To go alongside the charity pet for the Trevor Foundation, we are releasing a couple of Charity Auctions for the same charity to help meet our goal of $250! 
These will both have a Starting Bid of $1, allow for $1 minimum increase, and have no AB with the end date being 9pm BST/4PM Server Time on the 22nd of August! 

Here you can see the two lovely characters awaiting homes before you decide to take part in the auction! 
They are both Very Rare!

These will be hosted on-site

That's all, folks!
Join me in the next edition of the Solarian Insider!

As always, any questions can be posted in response to this article over on our Discord, or anonymous box!

Solarian Insider - 12th July Edition

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Rexos-Isle

Solarian Insider - July 12th Edition

Greetings Solarians!

A new month and a new edition! We may be a little bit late, but better late than never! We have some exciting news this month, so take a look! 

Community Day item has been decided!

The community day item that was open to votes last month has now come to an end, and oh boy the votes were not close at all! There was one item that outshone the other two! We are happy to announce the votes cast have come to the conclusion that:

First Place
71.7% voted for:


The Fantastic Feathered Fluff!

This item was suggested by Khaotically, who has won the following: 
x1 Fantastic Feathered Fluff 
x1 Recipe for the Fantastic Feathered Fluff 
x1 Fantastic Feathered Fluff collectable for their profile
Choice of either x1 Rare Kia MYO or x1 VR Droma MYO!

Second Place
17.4% voted for:

Surprise Date Invitation!

This item was suggested by Aychemex, who has won the following:
x1 Surprise Date Invitation collectable for their
Choice of either x1 UC Kia MYO or either a
Grassland, Sand, Highland, or Swamp Droma MYO Tablet

Third Place
10.9% voted for:


Chaos Dice!

This item was suggested by Free-Shade, who has won the following: 
x1 Chaos Dice collectable for their profile.
Choice of either x1 UC Kia MYO or either a
Grassland, Sand, Highland, or Swamp Droma MYO Tablet


Congratulations and thank you to our wonderful community members, because without you this all wouldn't be possible! The recipe for the Fantastic Feathered Fluff is now available from the Pandrean Library for purchase!

I'll also be messaging all our finalists in regard to their MYO choices on Discord shortly. Those who voted on this community day will also have their vote rewards sent out to them within 24 hours of this news post going live!

Pride charity mimic Update!

It seems as though Refraction is quite the popular vullaby, with so many users donating to obtain the wonderful new pet! We still have just over a week to reach our goal of $250! 

So far, we have raised $101! This means we have reached our first soft goal, the raffle for a free Rare stone! This raffle can already be found in the General Store and will be open until the 21st of July! There will be three winners of a rare stone with this raffle, so be sure not to miss out! This also means we are $49 away from our next soft goal! Once met, we will be able to host a Very Rare Stone Raffle with three winners! 

Already donated and got the pet but want to donate more? No problem! You can either anonymously send in the donation to help raise more money for this wonderful charity, or put another user's username in there (with permission, of course!) so they can receive the pet as well! This will be per user of course!

You can obtain Refraction by Donating at least $5 to Our Fundraiser! We are hoping to achieve $250 for The Trevor Foundation, with soft goals along the way that, if we meet it, will open free raffles for rare, very rare, and legendary stones! 

We will be accepting donations until the 21st of July for the fundraiser! 

We also know there was a bit of an issue in regards to some users who have donated receiving the wrong pet; not to worry, that fuzzy friend won't be leaving your side due to it being an accident on our side of the rift, but you will be receiving the correct pet shortly! 

Patreon updates

We have made some changes to our Patreon tiers as well as the price of our highest tier to help keep up with not only workloads but the progress of the ARPG's story as we are heading to the home stretch! 

$3 Tier 1 changes: 

  • All rewards are the same as before with more of a focus on a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff for you all!
  • We have changed the way monthly mimics are chosen; going from a poll to a suggestions channel instead. 

$7 Tier 2 changes: 

  • All rewards from before are obtainable still.
  • We have also added that users are able to obtain x1 Uncommon Stone at this tier!
  • Users also gain a month-long early access to the bi-monthly community line sets that will be released. These will be non-quest line sets.

$15 Tier 3 changes: 

  • The shard rewards and exclusive title is still obtainable at this rank.
  • We have removed the Phone Background and Avatar from the rewards list and instead have replaced it
  • Users also gain a month-long early access to the bi-monthly community line sets that will be released before the rest of the community has the availability to them. These line sets are non-quest linesets.
  • Instead of x1 Uncommon stone, at this tier, you can obtain x2 Uncommon Stones

$30 Tier 4 changes: 

  • The price of this tier will be dropped from $40 to $30 from the 1st of August onwards.
  • You will still be able to obtain the custom mimic for the first month of subscribing!
  • The shard reward for this tier will be dropped from 25 shards to 20 shards. 
  • Instead of 2-3 non-quest linearts at this tier, you will instead gain a monthly quest base for one of the various quests in the ARPG at this tier. 
  • Instead of x2 Uncommon Stones, at this tier, you can obtain x1 Rare Stone.

We have also revealed this month's AND next month's exclusive Patreon Mimics: 

July's Patreon Mimic:


Obtainable from any tier until the 31st of July!

August's Patreon Mimic:


Obtainable from any tier when subscribing between the 1st and 31st of August!


Until August, the Tier 4 of the Patreon has been closed to new members, just so we can start afresh in August!

Serah's Sketches - July is now live!

Serah has decided to take a back seat this month to help everyone's favourite friend-shaped robot, Gus, who has seemingly started to talk normally instead of a string of his name in various pitches! Whilst he is still unsure as to why, or how, he started talking, there has been one thing that he has wanted to always do but never had the chance due to him not being able to use his own words or write them; send a thank-you note to someone who helped him a long time ago! In this month's Serahs Sketches quests, you can obtain the 'Gusling' mimic and the 'Friend' badge achievement!

And of course, the previous months' Serah's Super Star award has been rolled! Congratulations to... 

You'll be receiving your Super Star award in your collection inventory momentarily! 

So go check out this month's Serahs Sketches quest in the Community Hall to see how we can help little ol' Gus Gus!

Raffle for Kiamara Ka-3829 has been rolled - Update on adopts

Congratulations to Lakaisha on winning your new Kiamara friend!
They will be transferred on over to you momentarily! 

Keep an eye out on the Discord Channel for more information about some newer pride adopts, including the two charity adopts, coming soon! 

That's all, folks!
Join me in the next edition of the Solarian Insider!

As always, any questions can be posted in response to this article over on our Discord, or anonymous box!

Solarian Insider - June 26th Edition

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Rexos-Isle

Solarian Insider - June 26th Edition

Greetings Solarians!

Hey everyone! Got a few little tid bits of news for you today that I thought was important enough to hand out to all you loyal readers, with some exciting and important new little tidbits to share! 

Pride charity mimic - refraction

Whilst we may be at the end of the Pride Celebrations this month outside of the screen, those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community are faced with discrimination and hardship throughout the year. In a climate where many don't feel safe with who they truly are on the inside, The Trevor Project provides free, accessible, 24/7 crisis counselling services for young LGBTQ+ people in crisis. 

This year for Pride, we are releasing a special mimic specifically to help fundraise for The Trevor Project so they can continue their hard work in helping young LGBTQ+ people. Refraction is a Vullaby Mimic and is one of two mimics who actually change appearance in the ARPG. Refraction can take on the colour of any rainbow combination as well as a gradient of any pride flag, so even they can show how proud they are of you on your travels through Solaria! 

You can obtain Refraction by Donating at least $5 to Our Fundraiser! We are hoping to achieve $250 for The Trevor Foundation, with soft goals along the way that, if we meet it, will open free raffles for rare, very rare, and legendary stones! 

We will be accepting donations until the 21st of July for the fundraiser! 

Community Day Vote Form is now live!

Well well well! We finally have gotten around to the Community Day items that you wonderful people submitted in April! Apologies for the delay, talk of something happening near the Calamity Rift has pushed a few things back here in Solaria, however, we are happy to announce that we have chosen three items that can potentially become a permanent fixture in our little corner of the cosmos! How will they become permanent, you ask? Well, with your help dear readers! You will get to vote on which item becomes part of the ARPG! 

Thank you to everyone who submitted your item ideas, it was quite tough to try to whittle it down to just three that we would like to see! Here are the three items that staff have chosen as potential candidates! Please click on each image and read over their descriptions as to what they do, how they are made, and how they can be used in-game! 


Once you have had a look at those, well it's time to cast your vote! You only get one vote per person for this little mini-event, and hey you even get 2 Strange Seeds just for voting on which item you want to see implemented the most!

Click here to be taken to the voting form!

Reminder: 'The Luminous Trail' event quest ending soon.

The limited-time quest 'The Luminous Trail' in the Events Hub only has until the 28th of June to be completed until you will no longer be able to obtain the rewards from the quest - here's your reminder to get your quest entry in now before submission closes and Elijah, Leonidas, and the rest of the expedition to the Cerulean Forest catches up with solo Rift Jumpers and the next part of the event starts!

TWO New Pride Adopt announcements!

There are two new Lost Rift Jumpers waiting to be claimed! We have one based on Ace/Pan pride by the wonderful Free-Shade, and the other based on Bisexual (Aromantic aligned) pride by the amazing Zuppe! So what are you waiting for? Go check them out and maybe they'll be lucky enough to come home with you! 


That's all, folks!
Join me in the next edition of the Solarian Insider!

As always, any questions can be posted in response to this article over on our Discord, or anonymous box!

Solarian Insider - June 21st

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Rexos-Isle

Solarian Insider - June 21st Edition

Greetings Solarians!

Now now, I know what you're thinking; "Will, what are you doing? It's not the 21st of June in Solaria yes!" and to that, dear reader, I would wholeheartedly agree. I'd be a fool to argue with cold hard facts. So, why did I title this news entry the 21st? Because I have to have an early night tonight due to some recent events in the Cerulean Forest and need to get to the scene ASAP! And here's why:

Super Summer Slam Starts!

Today is the first day of the Super Summer Slam event! A two-month event where we will see a bunch of new quests available in Solaria for all you Rift Jumpers to take part in! According to intel, all Lampyres have seemingly disappeared today with the Cerulean Forest seemingly being the lead as to where they could have gone. Elijah and Leonidas have been scrambling to get a proper expedition trip sorted to go find out why, but until then you can attempt to find out on your own where they could have gone.

There is a one-week-only quest, "The Luminous Trail" available in the Events Hub. After 7 days have passed, this quest will no longer be available to participate in, so hurry down if you're brave enough to take the journey to the forest alone, or you can wait a week until the expedition is ready when there will be even more things to do, and the event shop will be live!

A new recipe has been added!

One of the exciting new recipes you can obtain from this one-week-only quest is a recipe book for Firecracker Fruit Cheese Poppers! And, unlike the other recipes you may be able to obtain, not only can you make a new item in the game but we have also added a real-life version you can make at home! From our very own lovely Zuppe's family recipe book, you can now read the recipe which is full of little lore tidbits about the world of Solaria, and if you end up making the recipe in your kitchen, you can also obtain a new mimic pet only obtainable from making this recipe IRL! 

This will be the first of four in this line of recipes, so keep an eye out for later in the event for even more delicious content!
And, of course, you do not need to own the recipe for this to be eligible, as long as you make yourself some tasty treats, it'll count towards the requirement for the pet!

Traditional Recipes of Solaria - Vol 1: Firecracker Fruit Cheese Poppers

Events Hub Added!

To make it easier for everyone to navigate during events, we have implemented our very own Events Hub! This is found under the 'Questing' navigation. When there isn't an event available, the page will let you know! 

New Pride Adopt announcement

We have a wonderful pride adopt for you all today from the lovely Snakiez! 
This Kiamara is a free raffle adopt that you can obtain a ticket from the General Store today! This raffle will remain open from today until June 30th! 


Strange box found in the general store

It appears there's a strange box in the General Store... Even Sally doesn't really know how it got there! But she is selling them for 40 credits each, with you being able to obtain 20 a week should you wish to! Apparently, there's a good luck charm inside...

New Items, pets, and collectibles added

With the Super Summer Slam event starting today, we wanted to share with you all the new items that will be coming along with the prologue quest! 


Site edits

We have been working hard at bringing everyone the best experience on-site as we possibly can, and one of the main ways we will be doing that is with overhauling the home page you see both before you sign in, and after you sign in! These pages are the first impressions of the site, and we are happy to show a little teaser of what we are working on for the signed-in version of the site! Of course, these are all early screenshots and do not reflect the final product, but we hope you can see something exciting >:)

Charity Pet and community poll Update

The charity pet will be going live on-site tomorrow at 4pm server time! This pet will only be available until the 30th of June. 
The poll for the Community Day item from April will also be going live at the same time! We are excited to show everyone what wonderful items fellow Rift Jumpers have come up with and excited to see which ones will get implemented!

That's all, folks!
Join me in the next edition of the Solarian Insider!

As always, any questions can be posted in response to this article, over on our Discord, or anonymous box!

Solarian Insider - June 14th Update!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Rexos-Isle

Solarian Insider - June 14th update

Greetings Solarians!

We have some exciting news for you all for this wonderful month of Pride, including new pets, new items, and new Kias and Droma waiting for a home with you! 

Box of Pride 2023 is now live

Last year, we had a special Box of Pride available for everyone who took part in any quest in Solaria; and this year its back, this time with more goodies! The chance of finding a Box of Pride is 5% from any and all quests available, so keep an eye out for your entries between now and the 1st of July because you may just get a new little goody in your inventory! And yes, this includes the Super Summer Slam event launching later this month, too! Here's some quick links to the new stuff for you to look at!


Pride Adopts will be releasing

We also have a lot of new Pride-themed adopts, which will be releasing every-other-day until the end of the month! Some will be Lost Rift Jumpers, others will be raffles, and we will also have two charity adopts; one Kiamara, one Droma! These charity adopts will be released on the 25th of June. The first of the pride-based adopts is a Lost Rift Jumper, which is already live and ready to obtain! Made by the wonderful Chimericect! Click their image below for the chance to obtain them!

Pride charity mimic 

Finally, there will be a Pride Charity Mimic releasing on the 21st of June! Keep an eye out for more information on the next news post regarding this, as this mimic will only be available until the 1st of July!

And that's it! Thank you for reading this update, and we are super excited to show you more of what else we have planned!



Solarian Insider - June 9th Edition

Greetings Solarians!

May was a wonderful month for all of us! Lots of wannabe archaeologists were scrambling to figure out what the mysterious fossils were that the Manahunters Guild found, and we are very excited to announce what has happened with them this month! We also have some insights with event announcements as well! 

Serah's Sketches - May Winners

Last month, Serah had tasked Rift Jumpers to helping those in Manabane come up with ideas on how a creature from the past would have looked, with only having help from a partial fossil that was found. Well, luckily for us it seems that those who helped take part in last month's Serah's Sketches hit the nail right on the head with what they looked like because not only did they discover one species, but two! It appears that whatever the creature was, it had a morphing ability or a common ancestor, and thus we have discovered two new pet types, the Tetraiasaur and the Manitodon

There were two users who helped pin-point these new pet species, those being starry--knight for the Tetraiasaur discovery, and Chimericect for the Manitodon discovery! 

They both have a special Primordial mimic on their way based on their marvellous findings!

Serah's Sketches - June's Badge is now live

Since Manabane has found the two new species from the previous month's findings, they are looking for Rift Jumpers to take some of these wonderful critters home to learn more about them to get a better idea what sort of animal they are and how they should go about bringing them back into the ecosystems in Solaria! This month, Serah is helping out the Manabane University once again, asking users to sign up to take one of these wonderful critters home to learn all about them!

Just like last month, this quest is only once per account according to the poster in the Community Hall; so why not pop over there, give it a look, and see if you are up for the task?

Each Serah's Sketches quest will receive a new achievement as well on top of the reward, and this month is the same! The 'Adoption' badge will be handed out at the end of the month, as always. And of course, the chance for the Serah's Super Star Award! Speaking of which....

Word is also in that the winner of May's Super Star Award goes to...


The Lampyres should have already send it over to you! 

Happy pride month!

Just like those who live beyond the rift, having pride in who you are is always important, and June is the month we can stand hand in hand and celebrate those from all walks of life, genders, and sexualities! 

From Monday the 12th of June, we will be sharing new pride-based adopts to celebrate, with a charity adopt and a charity pet to raise money for the Pride Foundation! We will release more information about these on the 12th of June, with the return of the Pride Box as well.

We will also be adding new sexuality flags this year, including any we missed last year to help you and your 'maras and Droma proudly show off their inner colours!

Super Summer Slam - Magical Garden Event coming soon!

With summer on the horizon, the new Super Summer Slam event will be coming soon, with the theme being 'Magical Garden'! 
It appears that there has been a large, closed rift erupting flares of strange energy from its core on the outskirts of the Cerulean Forest. These eruptions have only grown in strength, leading up to something... Right now, the leads in Manabane believe that it will reach the mac amount of energy it can expell on the 21st of June - so keep your eyes here, folks, as I, William, will keep you in the know on any changes!

Main Campaign almost ready to launch

Thats right, Rift Jumpers, the main campaign is almost ready to be released, taking your Kias and Droma on a brand new adventure where they will level up, gain popularity within their respective guilds, find new treasure and gear, and even help defeat formidable foes. The main story will begin in Manabane, taking you on a journey throughout Solaria, finding out strange secrets along the way... 

New Job Board is Almost Ready to launch

The Job Board has almost finished construction, with new items being made and baked for your enjoyment! 
There will be new rewards, updated collectables, and new themes to go along with it! Stay tuned for more information. 

Community Day Update:

The poll for this item will be released on the 21st of June, along with the summer event!


That's all, folks!
Join me in the next edition of the Solarian Insider!

As always, any questions can be posted in response to this article, over on our Discord, or anonymous box!