
Fog Bringer

Fog Bringer (Legendary)

Category: Major Power

Fog Bringer Buff:
Guarantees x2 extra rolls in all engineering guild quests.

If taking part in enhanced requirements, they will also guarantee an item ONLY present on the enhanced loot table.

"You feel a slight chill in the air around those with this power. With the ability to cause water to condensate even on the warmest of days, many feel a slight ominous presence when around those who are able to summon these thick fogs."

Possible Rewards from Enhanced Salty Salvage:
Possible Rewards from Enhanced Nuts and Bolts:
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Backgrounds are now completely covered in fog, only being able to see under their feet.
  • Having a newspaper that mentions they accidentally caused a thick layer of fog over their town on accident.
  • Showing them creates a thick fog to slow people down heading towards danger, to turn them away from it. 

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them wrapping the fog around them to cloak them.
  • Writing about how they can make people disappear at their own wish should they want a change in their life, encasing them in fog.
  • Showing how they could breathe out fog and cause it to encase a room before they vanish.
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