Letter of Love

Letter of Love

Value: 50 Credits

      Species - Breeding Items - Soulbound
This item can be used in both Kiamara and Dromedairy Breedings.
This item cannot be stacked.

When used in breedings:
During a breeding, this item can be used to allow the user who owns the item to choose all the traits from the parents they wish to pass down to offspring, except for minor powers, major powers, Alternate Forms, and Mythic traits

If used on a guaranteed twin slot or used with a triplet/quadruplet trinket, only one of the offspring will be affected by this. 

If Twins are rolled on a Single-With-A-Chance breeding, both will receive the same traits that the user requested. The user cannot ask for different edits for the other kit/calf.

Any traits not chosen will not be rolled for, except for minor powers, major powers, and Alternate Forms which will be rolled as usual. 

Items/powers that grant a chance of a particular trait being passed on that neither parent has are not affected by this item and will be rolled as usual. 

"A wonderful poem about love!"