Ka-2363: ♥✧ Damaris

Owned by Pengu

Damaris has always been comfortable in her own company, not needing others around her to find joy and fulfillment in life. She has few friends and allies however the ones she does have are extremely special to her and she would protect them with all of her power. Damaris has been burned by her family on more than one occasion, making her outwardly distrusting of someone, especially one with power, with an obvious vandetta or alterior motive. Commoners, however, and the every-day folk are a joy to be around and she enjoys spending her time with them learning their way of life. Damaris, though a princess, was raised by a fierce dragon and she has a fiery personality that gets her into trouble. She is easily annoyed, not one to play by someone else's rules and will do whatever she thinks is right, damn the consequences. Naturally inquisitive, Damaris always has her nose in a book learning new things and ideas as well as having a natural interest in the history of her kingdom and other lands. She is extremely sweet when with her mate and her family, showering them in love and affection but with the protectiveness of a dragon in her own right, this princess is not afriad to go after someone who hurts her family or her people.

And she rode upon the wings of a dragon...

From the moment Damaris was born, an ill-fated omen prophesied from the kingdom's head advisor set her father on a path to destruction in a feeble means to keep his grip on power over the kingdom. Fearing what future Damaris held within her grasps - the ability to bring about his end - he sealed the young princess in a tower at the far edges of the kingdom. Now, it was said that this distant land held ancient blood and magic and that dragons roamed about the skies, hungry and eager for their next victim to fill their bellies. The hope was that Damaris, yet but a little girl, would meet her end in this place. Yet, somehow, the young princess blossomed into a strong, independent and powerful woman within the walls of this destroyed castle hold. Not only did she thrive here, spurred on by the magic in the air, but she became protected by the very beast that was set to be her demise. A young obsidian dragon roamed the lands, fearful in visage but kind of heart and took a liking to the young princess, protecting her through the years as she grew older and came of age. Damaris had no one but the woodland creatures and her dragonic protector for company but, somehow, the princess would not have it any other way. She became quite self-sufficient with the tools provided to her at the old castle - weapons, books and trinkets all kept her mind and body busy and she took it upon herself to learn as much as she could from the old libraries and from her dragon herself. Damaris's favorite past time, though, was riding atop her dragon's back and feeling the wind in her hair and fire at her back. Unfortunately, her blissful existence came to an end at the death of her father.

Damaris had an older brother whom was positioned to be king, but, the people did not trust the man whom was raised by such a foreboding and feared king. The cornerstone of his campaign to the throne held Damaris - she was the keystone that would bring him greatness. To earn the people's trust the prince "rescued" his sister from her prison at the castle, dragging her away kicking and screaming to return to a home and a family she didn't even know. Though her dragon fought bravely to save her it appeared he died in the process. Damaris, now thrust back into the royal spotlight, was trained and preened to sit beside her brother on the throne though she wanted anything but. She cried often, running away through the dirt and the muck to her solitude only to be drug back to the castle once again by the knights. It was not until a near year into her return that, during one of the prince's balls and festivities preparing for his ascension, did a dark, mysterious knight appear swearing fealty to her and only her. Claiming Damaris the rightful heir to the throne, he caused quite a scuffle but she accepted his offer nonetheless. Upon further inspection, the knight's familiar eyes and kind heart revealed him to be none other than her dragon - now in mortal form - offering his protection and his heart once again to her service. Recognizing him instantly, Damaris for the first time felt at home and as if she had power back in her life. Now set on a path to set the kingdom right and take her rightful place, Damaris and her knight, Vhaegar, are constantly facing threats from the current crown in their attempts. Just as success was in their grasps, the two lovers were subverted by the now king and thrown into an unknown magical portal summoned by the king's royal advisor and skilled mage - a portal that the royal family hoped would rid them of the two subverters for good. 

Damaris and her mate traveled for an undetermined amount of time through this magical rift and were ejected into an unknown land - the land of Solaria - where many of their kind, too, were taken from their homelands. Damaris seeks to return to her kingdom and protect her people, but, the trip to this new land offered her freedom she never had before. She and Vhaegar were offered the life they always wanted and, until they can return home, are enjoying what this new land has to offer. After getting their bearings and learning from other kiamara's the lay of the land, Damaris traveled Solaria with her dragon until finally settling into a peaceful existence in the city of Pandrea. Damaris has taken a particular interest in the mystery behind the country's missing monarch, Queen Genaeva Yuleian, and is often found in the libraries gathering information and texts about the country's history to potentially solve the mystery of the Calamity and the missing queen. The mystery strikes close to her heart, after all, seeing as her own people are potentially doing the same thing for her back home. 

After the birth of their daughter, Syraxis, Damaris does not mind staying a while longer in this world to raise her ever growing family. The threat of the Calamity may seek to change their plans, however, and Damaris seeks to aid anyone else whom has met an untimely fate due to this mysterious event. She and Vhaegar have grown to love their life in Solaris and this misplaced princess will try and stop it at any costs, save anyone she can, and ensure her daughter and growing family are safe and secure in whatever place they end up making their home.

Damaris had a quite a difficult, lonely and troubling life back in her home world, therefore, it is no surprise that the young princess prefers her current life now in Solaria compared to the one she came through before the rift. While she misses her people dearly and wishes to return home for them and their protection alone she does not miss the subterfuge of her brother and parents seeking to eliminate her for standing up against them. She does, in fact, prefer the freedom and life she and her mate have made for themselves here in Solaria as a protector of their family and for the kiamara species as a whole against the Calamity. Damaris has become quite a bookworm and scholar since turning up in this new land, seeking to unravel it’s mysteries of the former monarch and the innate magic within the land’s core. The drive for peace in her homeworld calls her back, but, this fiery princess seeks to unravel the mysteries of Solaria first before any attempts to return to her homeland.

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