
Chefs Guild

The Chefs Guild is one of the main three guilds you can align with in Solaria, often being the choice guild of anyone with a passion for cooking, baking, or making medicines to take care of themselves or others. The guild has been around for many years and had always been run by Kiamaras until Rose's Father, Boronvine, took over the guild around thirty years before the Calamity. 

Boronvine was a master chef, coming from Crestport to start his business in Pandrea and to raise his only daughter. He had always believed there was so much more to food than just what was on the plate and that the love and care you put into a dish could be tasted with every bite. It was that mentality that saw him rise through the ranks of the Chef's Guild, making it to being the guild leader until his untimely passing 10 Sol years ago.

For the last 5 Sol years, Rose has been head of the guild for the past 5 Sol years, following in her father's footsteps. Her passion for food and her knowledge of Herbalism showed that you do not need to be well-versed in all types of foods and that a few herbs and spices could make even the blandest of foods a wonderful tasty treat. Because of both her and her father's influence, those who join this guild tend to value love above all else, showing their passion for cooking and sharing meals with one another to be a sign of appreciation and affection.

Living off the land

Requires: Level 2


“Well hey there, buttercup! I see you have an interest in Herbalism, huh? Perfect! Now, most others out there think of Herbin' as simply going to a field, picking some flowers, and bringing them back. To be honest, they're not half wrong, but it's so much more intricate. Certain plants only grow in certain environments, others only grow in the deep blue, and there will be plenty of times you'll go ta find somethin' only for it to not be the season it grows in!

It tends to be that every three months or so the harvest of different herbs, fruits, and veggies is available for you to obtain!
From the start of April until the end of June, you can find all sorts of fruits and veggies to help warm your tummies, or add a bit of flavour to a bland dish! From the flamin' hot firecracker fruit to the stinky stiltonberries, this season you'll find an abundance of most regional favourites.

That's where the initial part of the introduction to herbin' starts; knowing the basics of the land! Why don't you go out there an' find some ingredients, bring them back to me, and I can tell you what you can do with 'em! From entrees to mains and desserts and more! And we may even be able to learn more about these tasty foods in the process. 

Which ingredient does your character search for? How did their adventure go?                                                                                             

  • Do they decide to try their luck in the harsh winter-locked town of Talinokk for some deliciously ripe Firecracker Fruit?
  • Perhaps they go to Stonehill in search of the stinkiest fruit, the Stiltonberry?
  • Maybe they decide to try their luck in either Stonehill or Talinokk in hopes of finding the slightly scary Lady’s Grace?
  • Do they search deep within the shaded areas of Pandrea looking for the cosmic Nebulots?
  • Perhaps they like climbing the trees in Crestport to obtain some Pink Peppercorn?
  • Or maybe they try to do an around-solaria-in-80-days to try to get all of them?


Seasonal Harvests:
Every 3 months, there will be a new set of reagents that you can obtain from this quest at a 100% drop rate. The spring season lasts from the 1st of April until the 30th of June. During this time, when you depict your character with one of the following reagents with their appropriate location, you are guaranteed to get the item as a drop if your quest is accepted. 

From the start of April until the end of June, the above plants can be found in:

Talinokk - Firecracker Fruit, Lady's Grace
Stonehill - Stiltonberry, Lady's Grace
Pandrea - Nebulot, Pink Peppercorn
Crestport - Pink Peppercorn

Standard Art Requirements:
Must at least be a sketchy, flat-coloured bust of your character. Must show the item that they wish to obtain from the list for April-June. Must have a background to show where in Solaria they are that relates to the item that they are looking for (Does not have to be defined). Must show them interacting with the item in some way (For example: Sniffing the item, holding it in their hand/paw/hoof/mouth, digging it up).

Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 250 words in length. Must mention the name of the character in the piece. Must mention the item they wish to obtain from the list for April-June. Must mention the correct location they are in to gather said item and describe their surroundings. Must mention their thoughts on the item once found.

Enhanced Art Requirements:
Must at least be a sketchy, flat-coloured fullbody of your character. Must show the item that they wish to obtain from the list for April-June. Must have a defined background to show where in Solaria they are that relates to the item that they are looking for. Must show them interacting with the item in some way (For example: Sniffing the item, holding it in their hand/paw/hoof/mouth, digging it up).

Enhanced Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 500 words in length. Must mention the name of the character in the piece. Must mention the item they wish to obtain from the list for April-June. Must describe at least 2 items they take with them on their adventure to help them on their hunt for the item. Must mention the correct location they are in to gather said item and describe their surroundings. Must mention their thoughts on the item once found.

On-Base Art Requirements:
Bases must be a clean-lined, flat-coloured fullbody of the character. They must have a defined background depicting one of the places in the April-June list and the correct item they can find at that location. Must show the character interacting with the item in some way.

On-Base entries must have their base approved by an admin before submission.
On-Base entries will only receive the Standard Art Rewards.

Possible Standard Rewards:
Possible Enhanced Rewards
You get three rolls of the following table for enhanced entries, meaning you will be guaranteed 3 items.
Additional Rewards:

Each quest entry, regardless of whether you are taking part in the Standard or Enhanced version, will also have the chance to obtain a new recipe!
This also means on Enhanced quest entries this table will only be rolled once. 


Taste Tester

Requires: Level 2


“Hey there sweet pea! How has the gatherin’ been going? Is there anything good for us to try? Perfect! I can’t wait to see just how fresh it all is; after all, fresh is best! It’s been a while since the Lampyres have tried snatchin’ anything lil’ ol me has made, so your food and produce should be safe here for a little while, so why don’t I help you make a wonderful lil’ dish with your food?

Depending on what you have for us to try, I could show you a yummy little treat for either yourself, your companion, or even a pet! Once you’ve perfected the recipe, you’ll be able to make it yourself. Though there are a lot of recipes to try, so always come back to see what else we can make together.

And if you come and give me a bunch of fresh fruits, veggies, and other delicacies for me to use, I’d be happy to share with you a wonderful book of my father’s - apparently, it’s even from the inturos themselves! And whilst the words are a bit hard to read, there’s even a little’ handy-dandy picture guide to go with it! So, whatcha waitin’ for, sweetie? Let’s get bakin’                                                                                      

What fresh produce does your character give Rose?                                                                                              

  • Do they decide to hand in a couple of Applens to see what can be made with them?
  • Perhaps they have a Stiltonberry, Honey, and Elf-Ear to hopefully make a yummy salad!
  • Maybe they decide to see if a Lady’s Grace flower may be accepted - surely Rose knows how to prepare it safely?
  • Do they hope Rose knows what to use a Golden Cabbage for?
  • Perhaps they hand over some Rapsberry - maybe the peppermint-tasting fruit could be good for something?
  • Or maybe they hand in some Fabric Soup? It’s worth a shot...

Special Quest Requirements:
For this quest, each requirement tier will require some reagents to be handed into the quest via the 'Add-Ons' part of the quest entry form. Here is a list of all the reagents you can use for this quest: 
<a href=                         43-image.png            446-image.png    

Standard Art Requirements:
Must at least be a sketched bust with the flat colour of your character. Must show what 1 ingredient they have brought to Rose. Must show either a drawing of a piece of candy in a wrapper or an onion to show whether they are hoping to learn a sweet or savoury recipe.

You must submit the reagent used in your prompt along with your quest entry. Must be from the list above.

Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 250 words in length. Must mention your character's name. Must mention what 1 ingredient they have brought to Rose. Must mention how they obtained it and if they are hoping for a sweet or savoury recipe. Must mention what they think they can make from it.

You must submit the reagent used in your prompt along with your quest entry. Must be from the list above.

Enhanced Art Requirements:
Must at least be a sketched flat-coloured half-body of the character. Must have a defined background. Must show what 2 ingredients they have brought to Rose. Must show what the final dish looks like. The ingredients used in the dish must be visible either outside of the dish or visible within it.

You must submit the two reagents used in your prompt along with your quest entry. Must be from the list above.

Enhanced Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 500 words in length. Must mention your character's name. Must mention what 2 ingredients they have brought to Rose. Must mention how they obtained it and if they are hoping for a sweet or savoury recipe. Must describe what dish they have made with the ingredients and whether they think that Rose would enjoy it or not.

You must submit the two reagents used in your prompt along with your quest entry. Must be from the list above.

Bonus Reward Requirements:
For the enhanced version of this quest only, if you do these additional requirements you have the chance of obtaining an additional reward from your quest entry. This requirement is optional and only if you want to obtain one of the bonus rewards listed below. 

Whether you are writing or using art for your quest entry, for a bonus reward you must add 1 additional reagent from this list:
312-image.png 25-image.png 39-image.png    

Bonus Art Requirements:
Must be at least a sketched, flat-coloured fullbody of the character rather than a half-body. Must show a 3rd additional reagent used in the dish from the list below.

Bonus Writing Requirements:
Must mention which 3rd additional reagent you are using in the dish. Must add 150 words to your quest entry, bringing the total minimum word limit from 500 to 650 words.

On-Base Art Requirements:
Bases must show a flat-coloured, clean-lined fullbody of the character. Must display a defined background being in the Chefs Guild. The character must show what 1 Ingredient is that they are hoping to use.  Must show either a drawing of a piece of candy in a wrapper, or an onion, to show whether they are hoping to learn a sweet or savoury recipe.

You must submit the single herbalism ingredient used in your prompt along with your quest entry.
On-Base entries must have their base approved by an admin before submission.
On-Base entries will only receive the Standard Art Rewards.

Possible Standard Rewards:
Possible Enhanced Rewards:

You get three rolls of the following table for enhanced entries, meaning you will be guaranteed 3 items.


Bonus Rewards:

Depending on which bonus ingredient you used, you have the chance of the following loot tables:

Using a Pinana


Possible Rewards:


Using Ancient Spiced Tea


Possible Rewards:

Using Bark Chippings


Possible Rewards:


Using a Cinnecone

Possible Rewards:


Using a Grapevine

Possible Rewards:


Using Ground Cumin

Possible Rewards: