Back before Kiamaras even came to be, there was a species that roamed the lands that we now call Solaria. This species was intelligent, some claim them to be the embodiment of Chaos itself. This species is now known to Kiamaras as the Inturos, The Creators. Whilst the civilisation never left behind any relics to show us how they looked, one thing for sure is there’s a little piece of Inturos DNA in every Kiamara. These advanced intelligent species were the creators of Kiamaras in the plane of Solaria, and perhaps even through the Kia-verse. From the exploration of old temples and buildings the Inturos left behind, we have come to understand that the Inturos had created Kiamaras for no actual usage, only because they could. It is believed that the original Kiamara was a test to see how far DNA could be pushed, and it is also believed Kiamaras are just one of the successful tests out there.  It is thought to be that Kiamaras were used as a pet at first for the Inturos, and were always taken care of as such. The Inturos praised the animal for its cute looks and its heightened intelligence. Feathers were the most common gift given to a Kiamara from their owner, some of these feathers being passed down for millennia from one Kiamara to the next. At first, these were just common accessories, until the Inturos disappeared. These feathers were treasured by Kiamaras grieving the loss of their companions, and it was this event that was said to have unlocked Identity within the Kiamara's intelligence. 

After the event, now known as the Rapture, Kiamaras began to follow in the footsteps of their creators. Civilisations were formed, buildings and statues were erected, even communities and religions all sprang within a matter of centuries. The accessories given to Kiamaras had now become a sentimental item to the species, with it being frowned upon to not have feathers at all. It was seen as a rite of passage for many centuries and legends were told of mighty Kiamaras being those with the rarest of all feathers. Kiamaras never were able to breed without feathers and, usually, the feathers were given to Kits when they turned 19 for their coming of age. Over time, these customs and stories turned into history, with feathers going back to being accessories that had lost their meaning. That is, until, the Calamity. 

As of now, the reason why the feathers have begun to take on the mythical properties of their legend is unknown. Kiamaras can no longer breed without a feather and they can't even go out and adventure without them. Whatever is in the middle of Solaria, that blinding eyesore of a Calamity, has to be the reason behind it all and, unfortunately for any Kiamara who stepped through the rift, it is up to them to get to the bottom of it. 



Kiamara anatomy

Due to the inturos' meddling in genealogy and DNA Splicing, Kiamaras are not from any particularly natural evolutionary lines. This species predominantly has DNA relating to Canines, Felines, Monotremata (exact family unknown), and Inturos. 

Most Kiamaras tend to look either more akin to a wolf or a lion depending on which DNA is more prevalent - the exact pattern to whether a Kiamara will grow up to look more like a wolf or a lion seems to be unknown and more dependant on environmental factors rather than biological ones. Oddly still, Kiamaras do not give birth to live young and instead can summon eggs. It is unknown where these eggs come from, but they are made of the same genetic material as the parental Kiamaras. It has been recently theorised that Kiamara's connection to the Rifts that have popped up since the Calamity may hold some answers to this. Eggs will only be summoned when both Kiamaras have been through the feather trial, seeming to suggest that Kiamaras 'unlock' the ability to summon young with another only once they have proven themselves. More extensive research will be required. 

Kiamaras tend to have a mane, both on their head and sometimes back of the neck. This is present regardless of the sex of the Kiamara. The length of this mane is commonly seen above the eyes with a smaller tuft on the tip of the tail, though longer lengths have been studied and are seen to be rarer than other lengths. Textures of this mane vary from Mara to Mara. 

Their ears are small and rounded, and the majority tend to face backwards, with the Kiamara unable to move them to face in the direction they are looking. This is believed to be an aesthetic change to make them more appealing to Inturos. Some Kiamaras have been noted to be born with forward-facing ears which can move freely. Other types of ears such as flopped ears, tufted, or even ears from other mammals have also been witnessed, though these are thought to be rarer. 

Every Kiamara also has spots. This is also thought to be an aesthetic DNA Choice. Young Kits are born with few spots and more clusters grow with age, with an Elder being covered in them. The older the Kiamara gets, the greyer they get as well, with most Elder Kiamaras showing a greyed blanket along their backs. The overall pelt of a Kiamara has been viewed to be any colour imaginable with an array of patterns to view. This has been thought to also be an aesthetic DNA trait to be more attractive as a pet to Inturos, and it's a trait that is still prevalent to this day. 

"Wow, it's lucky that we're top of the food chain - we would be spotted a mile away!" - Serah.

Life Cycle:

Kiamaras have an extended life cycle compared to other mammals that it shares their DNA with. On average, a Kiamara can live up to 162 Solarian Years, with the oldest mortal Kiamara being 174 Solarian years of age. Kiamaras are considered an Adult once they reach 19 Solarian years old, and then become Elder when they reach 109 Solarian years old. Strangely, all Kiamara come from eggs rather than live young. These eggs are not produced within the Kiamara either, rather they are summoned once two Kiamaras have a will to start a family strong enough. As to why is still unknown, but it seems to be in connection to when a Kiamara has feathers. As a Kiamara cannot gain their feathers until they are considered an Adult, child Kiamaras cannot have offspring. 

Stage 1: Egg

The day a Kiamara's egg is summoned is considered that Kiamara's birthday, with its Hatchery day being celebrated as a milestone rather than the actual birth of the Kiamara. Eggs hatch anywhere between 3 months and 1 year after the egg appears. If a Kiamara does not hatch before the first year, the Kit inside is considered in-stasis. There are very few Stasis Eggs in Solaria, but those that have been found are kept in Manabane for study. The Kits inside are still alive and well, but as the name suggests, their growth is somehow paused. It is unknown as to how or why this happens, and there is research into how to help the Kits inside. 

Stage 2: Kit

During the Kiamara's Hatchery Day, the Kiamara hatches from the egg in the form of a Kit - the youngest form of Kiamara. This Kit is child-like in behaviour, tending to not know when to have caution as curiosity usually takes precedent. These Kiamaras tend to have fewer spots than their Adult and Elder counterparts. Their pelt is also brighter and will slowly turn darker with age, with their final colouration settling in when they turn into an adult.  Kit ears have very soft cartilage, making them floppy and not easily turned. The mane on a Kit tends to be shorter, with it growing as the Kia grows until it stops at the Adult stage. Some Kiamara's manes grow a lot faster than others, resulting in the different length manes we can see within the species. Kits are too young to undergo the Feather Trial, and thus do not have any, 

Stage 3: Adult

Kiamaras become Adults by the age of 19 Solarian Years. They will remain at this stage until they are 109 Solarian years old. Compared to a Kit, Adults have more spots at this age and their manes have reached their full length. The cartilage in the Kiamara's ears are now solid and stand more upright than a Kits, though they still face behind them. It is at this age a Kiamara can undergo the Feather Trial to begin their adventures. These feathers will last with them until they succumb to old age, or pass away by other means. 

Stage 4: Elder

At the age of 109 Solarian years old, Kiamaras are classified as Elders. It is mostly during these years that many Kiamaras take their last adventure before settling down in Solaria. An Elder Kiamara can be recognised by the grey patch on their back, as well as their body now being predominantly covered in spots. Hair on Elder Kiamaras tends to be grey, and their fur tends to be more scraggly.  The cartilage in their ears becomes softened with old age, once again giving their droopy looks, and many Elders gain a hunch in their backs as well. The feathers the Kiamara gained as an Adult are still on show. 

Stage 5: Feather 

At the end of a Kiamaras life cycle, a Kiamara goes on one last pilgrimage. The pilgrimage is one that every Kiamara must undergo, though where they go to no one is entirely sure. Many suggest it is the heart of Solaria where the Calamity now resides as if it is calling to them. Before a Kiamara goes on their pilgrimage, the Kiamara places their feathers at their favourite place before giving their farewells and goodbyes. The feathers remain at their resting place until the day they mysteriously disappear. Many say the feathers disappearing is that Kiamara passing over, others say it is the Kiamara being re-absorbed into Solaria. No one is entirely sure. If a Kiamara were to pass before their Feather Trial, the feathers simply disappear from wherever they are placed after the Kiamaras death. The amount of time it takes is random, taking anywhere between meer minutes to centuries and is mostly believed to be to do with any loose threads the Kiamara may have.