Breeding and Nursery Make-Your-Own Guide
In the world of Solaria if two characters that have been through their feather trial, or one Dromedairy if they wish to have a single-parent breeding, wish to start a family together, they put together an offering of love to prove their devotion in order to be blessed by Hyjal and Tumult with offspring, or can send a monetary contribution through a rift in hopes of obtaining offspring to come through (paid breeding slots). Nursery Make-Your-Own's (also known as NMYO's) are also a slot type obtainable through the ARPG that allow you to breed two or more (provided you have an item) Kiamaras or Dromedairies together.
You can breed any two characters that do not appear on each other's family trees together whenever an artist is open and accepts breeding slots to gain offspring. Kiamaras and Dromedairies usually have 1-2 kits/calves per breeding with there being items to increase the number and rarity of offspring per breeding.
Offspring rarities depend on what traits are passed down from the parents and are rolled by either the breeding artist, or an admin (for NYMO's), with the design being based on the parent's designs. Here you can find all the information on how to obtain these slots, how we roll breedings, and how to make breeding designs for your NYMO's!
Different Breeding slots:
There are three different types of breeding slot that you can obtain, whether you want someone on the artist team to make the design for you, or if you have an idea in mind for your character's offspring:

Offering slots
Offering breeding slots are breeding slots you can purchase from a nursery artist/artist that is open for offering breedings.
Compared to paid slots, offering slots are completely free to obtain as long as you have the offering of love item. These slots open every time a nursery artist/artist opens breeding slots, though how they are available (such as FCFS, artist choice, raffle, etc) and what slot type (SWaC, Guaranteed Twins) is up to the artist.
All breeding items are able to be used on these slots.
Currently, artists are able to choose when and where to post these slots, so the best way to be notified is to join our Discord Group and select the 'Breeding Alert' role in #role-requests.

Paid Slots
Paid slots are breeding slots you can purchase from a nursery artist/artist that is open for paid breeding slots.
These slots open almost every time a nursery artist/artist opens breeding slots, though how they are available (such as FCFS, artist choice, raffle, etc) and what slot type (SWaC, Guaranteed Twins) is up to the artist.
All breeding items are able to be used on these slots.
The artist can choose what currency they take, for example: USD, Credits, Shards, characters, artwork, etc.
Currently, artists are able to choose when and where to post these slots, so the best way to be notified is to join our Discord Group and select the 'Breeding Alert' role in #role-requests.

Nursery Make-Your-Owns
Nursery Make-Your-Owns (or NMYO's) are slot types that allow you to make a single offspring between two (or three characters if using a Potion of Polyamory) rather than wait for an artist to open up slots.
These slots are only obtainable via the ARPG, with them rarely popping up in the General Store, Shard Bazaar, and The Mad Market.
The rarity of these slots solely depends on what traits the slot rolls. This must be done via the claim system for an admin to roll the traits for you (More about this further in the guide)
Types of Breeding Slots:
There are often two types of slots available to users from breeding slots by default. These slots are:
- Single-With-a-Chance (SWaC) Slots
- These types of slots guarantee at least one kit/calf in a breeding. These slots also have a 26% chance (Number group 75-100) of obtaining a second kit/calf from the breeding, should the owners with for the artist to roll for twins. You can also use a twin trinket on these slots to guarantee the twin roll.
- Guaranteed Twin slots
- Guaranteed twins is a slot type that basically does what it says on the tin; you skip the roll chance for twins entirely. Twin slots are seen less often than Single With A Chance slots.
Each time an artist opens breeding slots, they will open a 1:1 ratio for paid and offering slots. Nursery artists will be able to offer a 2:1 ratio for paid and offering slots. Artists are able to open as many slots as they'd like and have a 1 month turn around period for breedings to be completed.
rarities and rolling in breedings:
The amount and rarity of traits the offspring obtain are all down to RNG and we currently use both Google Sheets RNG and Random.Org RNG to pick traits to pass down. We do this by giving each rarity an assigned number group and, if the random number generator chooses a number within that group, the roll is positive. If it rolls outside of that number group, the roll fails and does not pass onto the offspring. We roll each trait the characters have once for each offspring - regardless of if both the parents have said trait. Both parents sharing a trait does not double the chance of the trait passing off to the offspring.
Rarity number groups
For a trait to pass, we must roll a number on or between the rarity brackets provided below:
- Common - 1-100 - Up to the artist
- Uncommon - 56-100 - 45% Pass Rate
- Rare - 71-100 - 30% Pass Rate
- Very Rare - 91-100 - 10% Pass Rate
- Legendary - 98-100 - 3% Pass Rate
- Mythic - 0 - Cannot pass in breedings
- Inturosian - 0 - Cannot pass in breedings
For example: If one of your Kiamaras has the rare Longer Hair trait, you would need the roll to be either on or between 71-100 for the hair to pass onto offspring. If we roll a 70 or less, the trait will default to common:
Would not pass

This trait would not pass onto the kit due to the rare Longer Hair trait needing to roll a 71 or higher to pass on to offspring.
Would Pass

This trait would pass due to the number being rolled between 71-100. The kit would then inherit the Longer Hair trait.
We also roll some traits together if they share the same placement/trait but may have different rarities. This means if one parent has the Longer Hair trait and the other has the Very Long Hair trait, we will use one roll to determine if they gain one or the other by merging the number groups.
For example: If one of your Kiamaras has the rare Longer Hair trait and the other has the very rare Very Long Hair trait, you would need the roll to be either on or between 71-90 for the kit to obtain the Longer Hair trait, or 91-100 for the Very Long Hair trait to pass onto the offspring. If we roll a 70 or less, the trait will default to common:
Would not pass

This trait would not pass onto the kit due to the rare Longer Hair trait needing to roll a 71 or higher and the Very Long Hair needing to roll a 91 or higher to pass on to offspring.
Would Pass

A hair trait would pass due to the number being rolled between 71-100. Due to the RNG producing the number 92, instead of the rare variant the kit would instead gain the Very Long Hair trait.
These rolls also apply to Nursery Make-Your-Owns as admins will use the same roll chances to see what traits your NMYO will obtain when you submit your claim for the slot.
additional roll limits:
There are a variety of items, buffs, and powers you can obtain in the ARPG and the shops on that can affect the roll chance of a trait passing in breedings. This means these items can be added to a breeding to add to the number we roll for a higher chance of a trait on offspring. These usually affect all offspring in the breeding.
Each trait that is passable to offspring in a breeding has a hard limit of +25 to the roll and this cannot be surpassed except if you use an item that allows this. When using items to increase the chance of traits passing to offspring, please be aware that if the item can be used to bring you over the limit, the item will still be used and the limit will remain capped at +25. For example: If you use x3 Pistachio Ruby Truffles (an item that grants +9 to all trait rolls in a breeding), they will be used but the cap will remain at +25, not +27.
For example: If one of your Kiamaras has the Uncommon Slightly Longer Hair trait, you would usually need the roll to be either on or between 56-100 for the hair to pass onto offspring. But, if we use a mix of items, we may get lucky and have it pass!
Would not pass

This trait would not pass onto the kit due to the uncommon Slightly Longer Hair trait needing to roll a 56 or higher to pass on to offspring.
Would Pass

Items Used: Grants +15 to all traits
Whilst this trait wouldn't usually pass, due to there being a +15 boost on the trait thanks to the Bento Box, we are able to see it pass to the offspring. This is usually calculated by taking the roll Number and adding it with the boost number: 43+15=58. The total lands in the Uncommon bracket.
Mutations are a random addition that can be rolled for and work similarly to how we roll for twins and rarities. Each kit/calf will be rolled for one free possible mutation (unless you opt out of the mutation roll) and these mutations will then be rolled for rarity, between Common and Legendary. This means each breeding has the chance of rolling a completely random trait that neither parent has.
Chance for mutation
These are the number groups for a mutation passing:
- No Mutation - 1-70 - 70% chance
- Mutation Rolled - 71-100 - 30% Pass Rate
After the roll for the mutation has been done, if they are successful in gaining a mutation the rarity roll will then be done for them. We overlap all the possible rarity brackets like we do if two parents have two trait types that are the same but are different rarities.
Mutation Rarity number groups
These are the number groups that decide what rarity the mutation will be:
- Common* - 1-55 - 55% chance
- Uncommon - 56-70 - 25% Pass Rate
- Rare - 71-90 - 20% Pass Rate
- Very Rare - 91-97 - 7% Pass Rate
- Legendary - 98-100 - 3% Pass Rate
- Mythic - 0 - Cannot pass in mutations
- Inturosian - 0 - Cannot pass in mutations
*Common rolls will either give you a new common trait, colour neither of the parents have, or a new marking neither of the parents have.
Mutatos are items you can purchase or obtain in the ARPG that guarantee a random mutation that neither parent have and users can use up to 5 mutatos per kit in a breeding. Unlike standard mutations, mutatos have different rarity number groups and can be used on top of the standard mutation roll. This means if you max out your Mutatos on top of a random roll, your Kiamara has the chance of 6 total mutations. Some powers allow for more than 5 mutatos to be used on a kit in a breeding.
Mutato Rarity number groups
These are the number groups that decide what rarity mutation a mutato will grant:
- Common* - 1-55 - 55% chance
- Uncommon - 56-80 - 25% Pass Rate
- Rare - 81-93 - 13% Pass Rate
- Very Rare - 94-99 - 6% Pass Rate
- Legendary - 100 - 1% Pass Rate
- Mythic - 0 - Cannot pass in mutations
- Inturosian - 0 - Cannot pass in mutations
*Common rolls will either give you a new common trait, colour neither of the parents have, or a new marking neither of the parents have.
Dromedairy Biome type, Colours, and Hybrid rolls:
Unlike Kiamaras, Dromedairies do not have rarity brackets per trait, but rather are dependent on what biome type they are. These biome types have different traits from one another, for example, a Sand Biome Dromedairy will have shorter fur than a Swamp Biome dromedairy. During a breeding between two Dromedairies of different biomes, there will be a specific chance for the biome type to pass depending on the combination of parents.
Single-Parent Breeding
Droma are able to take part in single-parent breedings. The offspring of these breedings provide a unique colour palette for their biome type. These colour palettes are guaranteed regardless if gene items are used on the parents:
- Grassland ➞ Grassland (Tundra Colour)
- Sand ➞ Sand (Tropical)
- Swamp ➞ Swamp (Brine)
- Highland ➞ Highland (Chaparral)
Droma can only have 2 single-parent breedings in their lifetime.
If you single-breed a Tundra, Tropical, Brine, or Chaparral, the calf will always be the same as its parent.
If breeding a Tundra, Tropical, Brine, or Chaparral droma with another, they have a 45% chance for their colour to pass to offspring, should they roll for their associated biome. They cannot be bred with the same colour if they have one of these four genes (For example; two tundra, two brine, etc)
Two-Parent Breeding
If the two Droma parents are the same biome type, then their calf/calves are guaranteed to be the same as the parents. If they are different biomes, here are the following chance rates for each:
- Grassland + Sand
- 50% chance for either to pass.
- Grassland + Swamp
- 70% Grassland, 30% Swamp
- Grassland + Highland
- 85% Grassland, 15% Highland
- 85% Grassland, 15% Highland
- Sand + Swamp
- 70% Sand, 30% Swamp
- Sand + Highland
- 85% Sand, 15% Highland
- 85% Sand, 15% Highland
- Highland + Swamp
- 75% Swamp, 25% Highland
- 75% Swamp, 25% Highland
Three-Parent Breeding
If you use a Potion of Polyamory on a Droma breeding, the chance for specific biomes passing to offspring will change if all three parents are different biomes.
If two of the throuple are the same biome, the equation defaults to the chance rate of the two-parent breeding. If they are all the same biome, that biome is guaranteed to pass.
- Grassland + Sand + Swamp
- 40% Grassland, 40% Sand, 20% Swamp
- Grassland + Sand + Highland
- 45% Grassland, 45% Sand, 10% Highland
- Grassland + Swamp + Highland
- 65% Grassland, 20% Swamp, 15% Highland
- Sand + Highland + Swamp
- 55% Sand, 20% Swamp, 15% Highland
- 55% Sand, 20% Swamp, 15% Highland
Outside of biomes, Droma's only other traits they can have are colour genes. There are specific items that can change the colour of your Droma, thus changing their genes to match. These genes are bound by the rarity roll system that Kiamara traits have, meaning if you have the rare Strawberry Gene, your droma would have to roll between 71-100 for the gene to pass. If they do not roll the gene, they will default to their biome's original gene type.
For example: If one of your Droma has the rare Strawberry Gene trait, you would need the roll to be either on or between 71-100 for the colouration to pass onto offspring.
Would not pass

This gene would not pass onto the claf due to the Strawberry Gene needing to roll a 71 or higher to pass on to offspring.
Would Pass

This gene would pass due to the number being rolled between 71-100. The calf would then inherit the Strawberry Gene
Just as Kiamaras have mutations, Dromadairy have something called Hybrids within their species. Hybrids are Droma that have a mix of the parent's Genes and are only obtainable via two and three-parent breedings if one or more parent is different and neither parent is already a Hybrid. Unlike Mutations in Kiamaras, the owner cannot opt out of the possibility of a Hybrid.
Hybrids have a 10% chance of forming in a breeding, having a number group of 91-100. Hybrids usually are a unique mix between both the parent's colours, though some may also have both biome aspects present. For example, a hybrid between a Sand and a Swamp biome Droma could leave the offspring with the short fur of a Sand Biome Droma and the long hair of the Swamp Biome Droma.
Hybrids are unable to produce Hybrids and, when used in a breeding, hybrids will have their listed biome used as the biome roll type.
How to obtain a 'Mara or Droma NMYO Slot:
Although we have dedicated Nursery Artists and also artists that open breedings from time to time to help breed your Kiamaras and Droma, we also have items called Nursery Make-Your-Owns, or NMYO's for short. These items allow the owner to make their own offspring for their Kias and Droma should they wish to! These items are usually obtained from the ARPG and are rarely seen in the General Store, Shard Bazaar, and The Mad Market.
- Locate the NMYO Potion in your inventory and click on it.
- Once clicked, make sure you select the little tick box on the popup Shown Here.
- Next, simply click open.. Once clicked, you'll be able to find the slot in your MYO Slot Tab.
How to obtain a NMYO Slot's traits
As mentioned above, the traits that offspring have are based entirely on RNG and, for NMYO's, an admin will roll the traits for you. What we do is we take a list of all the parent's traits and roll them using either Google Sheets RNG or RNG using the number groups provided for each rarity.
Unlike regular breeding slots, some breeding items are unable to be used on NMYO slots and each NMYO slot only allows for one offspring to be made. This is due to the slot being a MYO slot rather than a breeding slot. Trait items that can normally be allowed on MYOs and revamp items are not able to be used on these slots until the design with the original rolled-for traits has been accepted. This is so we can ensure that the NMYO is based on the parental designs and that their traits are reflected accordingly. Powers and buffs that grant a percent increase in traits passing, or grant the chance at an additional trait being given to offspring, are able to be used on these slots. Below is the full list of breeding items that can be used on a NMYO slot:
Useable breeding items for NMYO's
These breeding items are allowed to be used on NYMO slots.
Any not listed here are unable to be used on these slot types.
In order to get your NMYO traited by a member of the admin team, you must do the following:
- First, you need to open a new claim here.
- Then, in the 'URL' section, please paste a link to the NMYO slot you are looking to get traited.
- Following this, in the comment section you must give the following information:
- The links to the parents being used in the 'breeding'
- Mention if either parent has a buff or power that will affect the outcome of the breeding.
- List of any items being used in the 'breeding'
- Here is an example of an acceptable form.
- After this, add any items in the 'Add-On' section that you have listed in the comment section.
- If you miss any items, the claim will be rejected.
- Afterwards, simply click Submit. It may take up to 5 days for your claim to be confirmed and the traits to be added to your NMYO slot.
- NOTE: Once you have submitted a claim for a NMYO to be rolled, unless you ask for it to be cancelled before the traits have been added, you will not be able to change the parents for that NMYO slot. These will be added to the 'description' section of the MYO Slot. More information can be found in the NMYO Rules section
Once you have received the trait list for your NMYO, you are then free to design your NMYO following the NMYO rules below!
NMYO Slot Rules:
- All NMYOs must either be made on one of the four official Kiamara linesets/Dromedairy official line set, approved personal custom line sets, or individual custom lines.
- Unique custom lines for NMYOs are also able to be used without needing a lineset approved as we will eye-ball the traits for their initial image
- All NMYOs cannot be based on the following:
- Another user's character/Kiamara without their permission.
- Copywritten characters without express permission from the IP holder
- Overall, we do not allow characters within the species to be based on other IP characters currently under copyright unless you have permission from the IP/Copyright owners you may do so. If you do have proof of permission, you must supply this information in your design upload along with the character the Kiamara/Microkiamara/Dromedairy is based on. There can be more than one Kiamara/Microkiamara/Dromedairy based on the same character IP at the same time. The following examples of permission can be:
- Messages from the copyright holders between yourself and them showing they permit you to use the character for commercial use (as Kiamaras allow purchases of any kiamara)
- Have a public record of allowing commercial use of their characters from their IPs.
- Are a character under public domain in the USA.
- You may take inspiration from aspects of copywritten characters for your MYO designs, however, as a general rule of thumb, if we can tell it's the character and you do not have express permission from the IP holder, they will be declined.
- Overall, we do not allow characters within the species to be based on other IP characters currently under copyright unless you have permission from the IP/Copyright owners you may do so. If you do have proof of permission, you must supply this information in your design upload along with the character the Kiamara/Microkiamara/Dromedairy is based on. There can be more than one Kiamara/Microkiamara/Dromedairy based on the same character IP at the same time. The following examples of permission can be:
- A character you own but do not have the artists consent to bring into the species.
- A character that is part of another site/closed-species that you do not have the consent of the site owner/species owner to bring into the species.
- MYO designs that are deemed to be offensive/disrespectful to an individual/group that goes against our Terms of Service.
- All breeding types cannot breed within three generations, which are listed on their profile pages.
- This means a Droma/Mara cannot breed with the following family members:
- Great Grand Parents
- Grand Parents
- Parents
- Siblings
- Children
- Grand Children
- Great Grand Children
- This means a Droma/Mara cannot breed with the following family members:
- Dromedairies and Kiamaras cannot breed together, even if they are in a mateship with one-another.
- The design of a NMYO must take inspiration from both parents' designs and must be recognisable as offspring of those designs.
- For Kiamaras, you can only choose colours present in both parent's designs to be passed on initially.
- For Droma, you can only choose the colour pallette gene that the NMYO rolled for.
- You cannot use these slot types to make a different design that is not recognisable as the parent designs.
- The traits of the NMYO are rolled for you. You cannot change these traits, even with the use of Relocator Stones, until the design has been made and approved.
- All NMYOs can have physical disabilities, ailments, and amputated limbs should you wish to do so, however these cannot be done for aesthetic purposes. If you give your Kiamara one of these traits, they are permanent and you will not be able to reverse this.
Example of acceptable NMYO Designs:
AHere you can see two examples of breedings for a NMYO; one that will be accepted and one that will be declined. This is to help you show what is acceptable and what isn't to be classed as a NMYO!
Declined Example

Click image for higher resolution
This Kiamara would not be accepted on a NMYO slot for the following reasons:
- Colours that are not on the parents are present. This is only possible with a successful Common Mutation roll, with it being one additional new colour per roll.
- There are too many markings that neither parent has present, making the character look more like a relative than direct offspring. Characters need to share the majority of markings with their parents in order to be accepted.
Acceptable example

Click image for higher resolution
This Kiamara would be accepted on a NMYO slot for the following reasons:
- All colours present are found on the parents.
- Markings share obvious similarities to both parents, even if some are not in the same place.
- When looking at the offspring, you can easily recognise what parents the Kiamara has.
How to submit your MYO:
So, you have your NMYO slot all open and ready to use and a design all made; now what should you do? Well, let us help you!
- First, click on the slot in your MYO slots tab.
- Then, click on submit MYO Design, followed by clicking Create Request button.
- From there, fill out all the tabs that are required.
- Comments: Here you should mention things like any items being used, whether the design is part of another species, and add any evidence/proof you think we may need to accept the design.
- Note: For NMYO's, they must include links to the parents on-site in the comments at submission. If these links are not present, the NMYO will be rejected. These must match the parents listed in the 'Description' of the MYO slot. This is so we can cross-reference.
- Masterlist Image: Here you must upload the image you wish to have displayed on their masterlist. You must also supply the name of their designer and an artist if applicable, including if that person is you.
- Add Ons: Here, if you are using any items for your NMYO you must add them here. You may leave blank if you do not have anything to add here.
- Traits: Here you must input any traits the Kiamara will gain, including any common ones you have added by editing the lines.
- Comments: Here you should mention things like any items being used, whether the design is part of another species, and add any evidence/proof you think we may need to accept the design.
- Once completed, simply click "Submit Request" and voila, you are all set! Our staff has a maximum of a 5-day wait period for NMYOs to be approved, however you will be notified on your account if the submission has been accepted/cancelled/declined!
As people ask questions about Breedings and Nursery Make-Your-Own systems that haven't been addressed in this guide, they will go here to help those who may have the same question! Until there are any that have been addressed, if you have a question or concern about the Breeding and Nursery Make-Your-Own system, please leave a comment below, post in the Questions and Concerns channel on the Discord Group , or post in our Anonymous Questions and Concerns Google Form!